
Too Young Romance in the Zoo

Got called one night randomly by a bredrin to work on a set. I thought about it long and hard due to the short notice and then I said yes. They needed extra hands and there are just some bredrins I don't mind helping out in a pinch. 

Then he said it was a "favour job" which means I wasn't getting paid. I thought about it long and hard again. money. Really hate these jobs. Decided to go anyway. Hadn't been on a set in a while. Always have my head buried in animation. 

Most of the time I love knowing the story before I go into a job but sometimes not knowing is also exciting because you get surprised every step of the way.  Decided to grip on this set and when there was nothing to do I did some behind the scenes. Take a look.


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Dancing dancing more dancing. So the story is about a guy who likes a girl but he is too young for her. He has been hearing that story over and over again since he was a kid. Now that he is older and they have reunited, his charm has her singing a different tune.


This was a freebie job but it was a well needed distraction. More to come.
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