Portfolio | Projects

Diel - Too Young [Official Video 2019]

  Grip - Kevin Jackson

Missing school to do chores. Is it illegal?

  While it is not illegal for children to do chores, it is illegal to force them to miss school in order to do chores. Furthermore it is illegal to make children work with heavy or dangerous machinery, dangerous or hazardous chemicals. Chec...

S1E7: Self Doubt

Industry Pen, St. Ann - A sacrifice zone

Bauxite mining impacts public health, and destroys the environment and livelihoods. Industry Pen, St. Ann is set to be mined under Special Mining Lease (SML) 173 by Noranda Bauxite Partners Limited II now known as Discovery Bauxite.  

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  • Address:Kingston, Jamaica
  • Email:kjackson@imaginekulturemedia.com
  • Phone:(876) 859-7590
  • Open:Mon to Sun - 24/7