Heart Shaped Box - Web Series - Episode 1

First of 2 Episodes of a short film series I wrote and directed back in 2015. This film won 3 Awards. Viewer's Choice at the GATFFEST Film Festival in 2015 and Best Short Film and Best Director in 2016 at the Lignum Vitae Film Festival. It i...

Industry Pen, St. Ann - A sacrifice zone

Bauxite mining impacts public health, and destroys the environment and livelihoods. Industry Pen, St. Ann is set to be mined under Special Mining Lease (SML) 173 by Noranda Bauxite Partners Limited II now known as Discovery Bauxite.  

Caribbean Dreams, Never Stop Dreaming...

  1st AD and Grip on the set of this commercial that was shot by Wentworth Kelly and Produced Managed by Realizm Studio  

Tanya Stephens Fire Burning

  Grip - Kevin Jackson

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  • Address:Kingston, Jamaica
  • Email:kjackson@imaginekulturemedia.com
  • Phone:(876) 859-7590
  • Open:Mon to Sun - 24/7